Friday, June 30, 2017

Being an Adult Isn't Always Fun

Today was just one of those days when being an adult sucked.
Woke up with a tire pressure alert to find out that there was a nail and the tire needed a full replacement.


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Life with a Toddler

Trying to clean the house with a toddler is like...

Trying to nap with a toddler is like...

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Things All Moms Have Done

Before you become a mom, you hear about all sorts of things that moms do and you cannot fathom yourself every partaking in those actions. Well, I'm here to say that I have done the following things, and I am not ashamed.

  • covered a pee spot from your kid on the bed in the middle of the night with a towel and gone back to sleep to deal with it in the morning
  • taken your kid out with mis-matching socks because for some reason toddler socks are 10X more likely to be lost doing the wash than adult socks
  • picked your child's nose because there was a huge booger in their nostril that was driving you crazy
  • gave your kid a wipe down with a wipe and saved bath time for the next day
  • Given your kid McDonald's one too many times

Thursday, June 8, 2017

How to: Make a Crafty Octopus

Okay moms, we've all been there. We log onto Pinterest to do a cute craft with our kids and 1 of 3 things happen
  1. All the materials are more expensive than we thought they'd be
  2. The craft takes too long (leading your child to lose interest)
  3. The craft turns out nothing like the example
So I thought I'd share a craft I learned back in middle school. It's extremely thrifty and takes about 15 minutes. It does require minimal materials
  • A tennis ball sized Styrofoam ball

Monday, June 5, 2017

Being at the Bottom of the Totem Pole and the Four Words That Turn You Into a Servant

Other Duties as Required

So you see that tiny little clause on an application and you don't give it a second thought. Other duties as required? Sure. Absolutely! 


You see, those little words instantly make you the subject of your boss's whims. Especially if you're low man on the totem pole (and even more especially in an office job).

This phrase has become my worst nightmare; has become the bane of my existence; has made me want to pull out my hair; has literally made me want to tell off my boss and not even consider the repercussions. 

Friday, June 2, 2017

Never the Easy Way

My dad used to say, "you never do anything the easy way." The more I think about it, the more I realize there's some truth in that comment.

Don't get me wrong- it's not as though I wake up one day and try to imagine the most roundabout way to accomplish a task (and then execute), I just happen to think that I take the road less traveled. And as I'm on that road, I realize why it was less traveled.

For instance,

Being an Adult Isn't Always Fun

Today was just one of those days when being an adult sucked. Woke up with a tire pressure alert to find out that there was a nail and the...